Who We Are
African Technology forum (ATF) is a non-profit organization that promotes the development of science and technology in Africa.
Through its activities, ATF seeks to identify and nurture young minds from various disciplines to develop Africa through research and publishing of information relating to the application of science to solve Africa’s problems.
ATF has offices in Ghana and in the USA. We have a network of student chapters in various universities in Africa and the US, and we offer a unique networking opportunity through our conferences and events to share ideas and work on joint projects.
What We Do
ATF publishes the African Technology Forum, a magazine focusing on STEM development in Africa since 1988. Our publications reach a wide network internationally and bring depth to stories that would not otherwise be told.
Through its Chapter network ATF is able to gather news and information from its publication. Currently in Ghana, ATF has established in Ghana four chapters including the Ashesi University Chapter, UG Chapter, KNUST Chapter and the UCC Chapter.
We understand how science and technology can work in Africa. Contact us for guidance and resources in developing your research or ventures on technical matters.
Our History
African Technology Forum was founded by students in 1988 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They found at the time that Africans were largely absent from scientific writings, even when Africa was the subject matter. As a result they launched a quarterly magazine called the African Technology Forum to bring to light Africa’s contributions. The situation is not very different today, and the need to place Africans in Africa’s development story remains as great as ever.